We all met to come up with our vision, mission statement, goals, and challenges

We all met to come up with our vision, mission statement, goals, and challenges

Every school faces unique challenges. That’s why we meet with administrators from each Apple ConnectED school to craft a vision for the role of technology in their classrooms. As part of this planning, we work with school leadership to form a core group of individuals responsible for defining clear and measurable goals.

At Berkley Campostella Early Childhood Education Center in Norfolk, Virginia, Principal Dr. Doreatha White leads her faculty with a powerful vision — that children are capable of anything if you give them the right tools. “Our motto is: College begins in prekindergarten,” she says. “We have to guide a student’s whole thinking toward being successful beyond pre-K. But to truly start closing the digital divide, we have to get our parents and the community to believe in what we’re doing as well.”

With that challenge in mind, Dr. White created a community outreach program to help parents understand the transformative power of technology in learning. And one of her first goals was to get 100 percent of the students’ parents to attend How to Use iPad with Your Child workshops, which she achieved with surprising ease. “In the community’s eyes, it was a big thing. We could demonstrate how this would benefit their children and prepare them for lifelong learning. That not only are they doing ABCs and 123s, they’re also learning how to analyze and synthesize instruction. And now they’re excited about learning, which they’ll remember going into kindergarten and beyond.”

Learn more about Berkley Campostella Early Childhood Center’s journey with ConnectED in a free book written by Principal

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