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Managed Kubernetes designed for simple and cost effective container orchestration.

Arex Kubernetes includes a master server instance for free.

Pricing for Kubernetes workloads is based on actual usage by the applications you deploy to your cluster. This includes Droplets, and may include persistent Block Storage, and Load Balancers.

Kubernetes is open source software that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. Kubernetes manages clusters of Amazon EC2 compute instances and runs containers on those instances with processes for deployment, maintenance, and scaling. Using Kubernetes, you can run any type of containerized applications using the same toolset on-premises and in the cloud.

AWS makes it easy to run Kubernetes in the cloud with scalable and highly-available virtual machine infrastructure, community-backed service integrations, and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), a certified conformant, managed Kubernetes service.


Kubernetes lets you define complex containerized applications and run them at scale across a cluster of servers.


Using Kubernetes, containerized applications can be seamlessly moved from local development machines to production deployments on the cloud using the same operational tooling.


Run highly available and scalable Kubernetes clusters on AWS while maintaining full compatibility with your Kubernetes deployments running on-premises.


As an open source project, adding new functionality to Kubernetes is easy. A large community of developers and companies build extensions, integrations, and plugins that help Kubernetes users do more.


Q: What is a Kubernetes cluster ?
A Kubernetes cluster is a logical grouping of high end compute instances that run your containers. A cluster consists of the control plane (the instances that control how, when, and where your containers run), and the data plane (the instances where your containers run). You must define a cluster before you can run containers or services with Kubernetes.
Q: What is a Kubernetes node?
A Kubernetes node is a single compute instance (virtual machine) that is part of a Kubernetes cluster. There are two types of instances: masters and workers. Masters host the Kubernetes API server and control how, when, and where your containers run. Workers are the compute instances where your containers actually run and process data.
Q: What is a Kubernetes pod?
A Kubernetes pod is the way that Kubernetes runs containers on a compute instance and includes containers and specifications for how they should run, networking, and storage. A pod can be a single container or multiple containers that always run together. If you usually run single containers, than you can think of a pod as a running container.
Q: What is etcd?
etcd is a distributed key value store that lets you store and share data across a distributed cluster of machines. Kubernetes uses etcd to store data about your cluster and share it across the Kubernetes control plane.