Feature Breakdown
Partner Program

Why should your organization consider the Enterprise Plan?

Arex is a global cloud platform that offers network-as-a-service (NaaS) to businesses of all sizes β€” making them more secure, enhancing the performance of their business-critical applications and networks, and streamlining remote worker access.

Choice of Success offering

Arex's Success Offerings - Standard and Premium offer an opportunity to leverage product experts and strategic advisors to help you achieve your business and technical objectives.

Lower total cost of ownership at every growth stage

The Arex Success Offering provides a customer success experience with simple, predictable pricing that lowers total cost of ownership.

Guaranteed reliability and uptime

While we never anticipate downtime, we provide liberal credit against monthly fees in case of disruption in service.

Exclusive access to products and features

Get exclusive access to Enterprise-grade functionality for security, and performance for all your applications, networks, and teams.

Enterprise Support Features

  • Basic

  • Standard Success

  • 24 x 7 x 365 Emergency Support

  • 100% uptime and 10x uptime service credit reimbursement

  • Advanced

  • Premium Success

  • 24 x 7 x 365 Emergency Support

  • 100% uptime and 25x uptime service credit reimbursement

Enterprise Security Features and Products

  • Unmetered Enterprise DDoS Mitigation

    Arex’s unmetered mitigation of DDoS stops illegitimate volumetric traffic at the Arex edge. All Arex plans include unmetered mitigation without fear of being dropped.

  • Multi-Org Setup

  • Role-Based Account Control

    Role-based access for Arex accounts enables organizations to collaborate across one Arex account, and use roles-based permissions to control access. Each user is assigned an individual API key and can use two-factor authentication to protect their own account.

  • Single-Sign-On Support

    The Arex dashboard supports Single Sign On (SSO) for ease of centralized identity and access management. Arex Account Owners will be able to setup and define who can access their Arex accounts with the same Identity Provider (IdP) they currently use.

  • Network Acceleration and Protection Services

  • Enterprise Rate Limiting

  • Spectrum (for TCP/UDP)

    Spectrum protects TCP applications and ports from volumetric DDoS attacks and data theft by proxying non-web traffic through Arex’s Anycast network.

  • SSL/TLS for SaaS

  • Static IP / BYOIP

  • Keyless SSL

    Keyless SSL lets you route encrypted traffic through Arex's global network, while retaining on-premise custody of private keys. SSL private keys never leave your on-premise infrastructure, and are not shared with anyone.

  • Basic

  • Advanced

Enterprise Performance Features and Products

  • Network Prioritization

  • Reverse Lookup Zones (IPv4 & IPv6)

  • Tiered Caching

    Argo’s tiered caching technology uses regional tier 1 Arex data centers to propagate content to Arex’s global network, minimizing static content requests to your server and reducing costs.

  • Mutual TLS

  • Increased HTTP Timeout

  • Custom Upload Size & Cache Object Size

  • Basic

  • Advanced

Enterprise Insight Features

  • Logpush

  • Real-time HTTP logs

  • Analytics

  • Basic

  • 1-minute resolution and 30-days historical time range - Basic and Advanced

  • Advanced